NEWS UPDATE AND NEW PRIZES FOR UKSC 2017 Number one hit songwriter Mark Cawley (pictured) will give one-on-one personal coaching and mentoring to a lucky UKSC entrant this year. Mark is a UKSC judge with a wealth of experience and he has worked with and written for some of the biggest artists in the world. Other great prizes this year include an all exenses paid trip to London (or cash equivalent) to record with top producer Stuart Epps. Check out all the great prizes at The UKSC is one of the most popular and prestigious international songwriting events in the world. It was founded with The BRIT Trust and other important music bodies in 2002 to discover and nurture new songwriting talent, and many entrants have gone on to successful music careers and major deals. See the Success Stories section on the official UKSC website for details. UKSC judge and well known producer Stuart Epps has made a short video especially for UKSC entrants. He talks about his experience with songwriting, and with famous songwriters, and about the songs he hears that have been entered in the UK Songwriting Contest. Watch it at In keeping with its original aims of supporting and discovering songwriting talent the UKSC entry fee is the lowest of all the world's major songwriting events. Many say it is the best event. And there is certainly no better value contest that you can enter your songs in. Check out the full details and all the great prizes at Best wishes from, The UKSC Team
December 2024