ENTRY FORM: The contest is now closed for entries. The 2025 contest dates will be announced soon. The main Entry Form is here. Or press the blue button that is on every page of this website. There is also a PayPal entry option here.
DEADLINE: The 2024 contest deadline was 1st December. The contest is now closed for entries.
SONG CATEGORIES: Choose your category. Descriptions of the different song categories are here. To enter the same song in multiple categories use separate forms for each category submission. There are specialist categories for different genres of music, and also for Lyrics Only and Instrumental Only compositions.
ENTRY FEE: The entry fee is £18. If you submit from outside the UK this is automatically converted in your card/bank account to your local currency.
UPDATES: Check the Dashboard page on this website regularly for the latest updates about your entries, results and prize giveaways. We recommend that you subscribe to the newsletter (use the form below) to receive contest news and updates in your inbox. We also post regular news updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
SONG UPLOADS: Submit audio by uploading an MP3 or by linking to the song online. For Lyrics Only there is a simple copy and paste section on the form to submit your lyrics.
CONFIRMATIONS: A confirmation email is sent for every submitted song. These are sent to the email address provided on the entry form. Make sure you are able to receive emails from us and check your spam folder if you do not see them.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I ENTER? You will see updates on the Status Update / Dashboard page on this website. You can contact the contest at any time with questions using the contact form on the Help/Info page. Regular updates are added to our Facebook Page, the UKSC Entrants' Community Group and on Twitter and Instagram. Full results and winners and all awards are announced at the end of the contest. Semi-Finalists from each session are announced within days of each session deadline. At the end of the contest UKSC Certificates with each song's final position and final award are available online. Winners are contacted individually. The SongU memberships prizes are given to all entrants at the end of the event. Entrants are invited to join the exclusive and private UK Songwriting Contest Community (currently hosted at Facebook) to interact and network, share songs and ideas, ask questions and get support during the contest.