The last chance to enter songs for early results is at midnight on Sunday 30th June, so there are only hours left to submit your songs at
Everyone who enters a song before the deadline will have their results within days and this will include your Star Rating from the judges and your position and award in the contest for each song. Certificate for every song entry will be prepared and will be available for download and printing. BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?? The judges have already read lyrics entries and listened to the recordings of many of the songs entered earlier in Session One. Now they are working very hard every day to process and judge the entries coming in during the last week and before the Sunday night deadline. Our aim is that all songs in Session One will have been through the complete judging process and be ready for results announcements with a week after the deadline. At that time full results will be online on the UKSC website and you will be able to see your entries and see the judges results and download certificates. You will be able to access this by logging in with the email address you used to submit your songs, so there is no need to remember passwords etc. If you have made it into the Semi Finals we will announce this within days of the deadline and Semi Finalist Certificates will be online for downloading. If you are a Semi Finalist at that point this means that your song continues in the contest through more selection processes and to be considered for a place in the Finals. If it goes into the Finals your Semi Finalist Certificate will be updated to a Finalist Certificate at that time. Entry forms are at So, if you want to have early results please try and get your songs to us before the midnight Sunday deadline to avoid disappointment. All songs submitted after the deadline, from Monday on, will go into Session Two and results for that second session will not be until after the 2024 contest closes later this year. Please contact us at any time if you have any questions. Very Best Wishes, From The UKSC Team
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This is a very quick message to remind everyone that there are only two days left to submit your songs before Session One closes at the end of this week on Sunday 30th June at midnight. Submit by then to get your results in days and see if you are in the Semi Finals. You will receive your Star Rating from the judges for your songs and your Certificates and position in the event. UKSC Certificates will be awarded for Semi Finalist, Commended Entry, Special Mention and other positions. Submit at Time is running out to submit songs to the UKSC 2024 for those of you who want to get early results. The Session One deadline is midnight Sunday 30th June and you have today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to submit songs into this early results session.
Everyone who enters a song before the deadline will have their results within days. This will include your Star Rating from the judges, your position and award in the contest for each song, and your Certificate will be prepared and will be available for download and printing. SEMI FINALS If you have made it into the Semi Finals we will also announce this within days of the deadline. Semi Finalist Certificates will be online for downloading and if you continue through from there into the Finals we will update your Certificate at that time to show this. Entry forms are at So, if you were hoping to have early results please try and get your songs to us before the midnight Sunday deadline. All songs submitted after then will go into Session Two and results for that second session will not be until after the whole 2024 contest closes later this year. Please contact us at any time if you have any questions. Very Best Wishes, From The UKSC Team EARLY RESULTS DEADLINE
Do you want early results for your songs? Session One closes at the end of the month at midnight on Sunday 30th June. Submit before the deadline to get your results in days and see if you are in the Semi Finals. All Semi Finalists will be announced within days. You will receive your Star Rating from the judges for your songs and everyone will receive their Certificates and position in the event. UKSC Certificates will be awarded for Semi Finalist, Commended Entry, Special Mention and other positions. For a detailed explanation of your Star Rating and Award positions click here. Time is running out so be sure to get your songs into the contest over the coming days. The deadline is at midnight on Sunday so you have the rest of this week and the whole weekend to submit. All songs entered after the weekend deadline will go into the second session (with results announced at the end of the contest in October/November). |
December 2024